Monday, August 18, 2008

Plastic Surgery Barbie.

(I know that the subject of plastic surgery has been blogged to death but i have to put my 2 cents worth)

This entry has been inspired by this video clip I saw recently on youtube:

How far would a woman go for beauty? I've noticed that there has been a boom in popularity for plastic surgery in Asia,or maybe i am just noticing it. I've seen pictures of a lot of female Asian stars and they all look eerily the same! They thrive for the European face, and that frightens me a bit. I have nightmares of Asia with a generic robotic face that doesn't have any expression at all. Most Asians (that I've noticed) wanted nose jobs because they think their nose it too wide. My nose is somewhat wide, but I've learned to like it! PLUS guys actually like the wide, not so narrow nose on girls anyways! i have two pieces of evidence FROM European men! I saw the Xiaxue video clip where she gets a nose job and she says " my boyfriend says that a flat nose looks good on girls because it is more feminine" anyone who knows Xiaxue knows her BF is white. Second piece is from my very own Bf that tells me everyday that my nose is beautiful. Now all this talking about plastic surgery is making me think of the queen of all plastic surgery, the self proclaimed "Barbie" ( no not talking about Dawn Yang! HAHA)

Her name is Sarah Burge from the UK and here are some of the procedures she has done (info and picture taken from

· Whole face lasered to remove layer of skin to give a youthful look - $14,000

· Gortex filler threaded into frown lines around nose and mouth -$8000

· Dermabrasion to whole face – a procedure where skin is sanded to remove the top layer, makes the face look younger - $8000

· Facelift a half inch cut was made in front of each ear, the skin over the face pulled tight then sown back to the front of the ear - $11,000

· Another face lift as one side looked lop-sided, so a similar nip-tuck was carried out - $11,000

· A solid silicone implant was fed into each cheek through the mouth to avoid scars on the face - $12,000

· Liposuction to chin and neck. Fat was sucked out through a catheter-type tube - $6,000

· A silicone implant was again fed through the mouth into the chin - $11,000

· Liposuction to make jaw look more defined - $6000

· Upper lip and surrounding areas dermabraded to ward off lines - $6000

· Laser treatment on teeth - $7000

· Uper eye lift (blepharoplasty). Excess skin was cut out from the lid and folds stitched together - $9000

· Lower eye area lased twice on different occasions to get rid of wrinkles - $12,000

· Nose job after it was broken in an accident — $8000

· A second nose job was performed to correct and improve the first nose job. - $15,000

· Ears Pinned back as they were sticking out - $12,000

· Breast reduction from a 32H to 32DD/E. Nipples were removed, sewn on again and flesh folded and liposuction done to each side - $22,000

· Breast Lift - $11,000

· Stomach liposuction to remove excess skin that could not be shifted in the gym - $7000

· Liposuction to hips and thighs - $7000

· November 9, 2006 – Burge’s most recent surgery - lower eyes, tummy tuck, buttock implants, liposuction and fat transfer - $30,200

· Maintenance Treatments Performed On An Annual Basis - Skin peels, dermabrasion, injectable fillers, botox, semi-permanent make-up,teeth bleaching and hair extensions most of which are performed by Burge herself - $40,300 per year.

i wish people would just accept themselves and use the money for better causes.

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